Would You Fall in Love with Me Again Lyrics

“Would You Fall in Love with Me Again?” Eric Chou, a famous Taiwanese singer-songwriter, released this song in 2016. This song is about missing and regretting your ex, but then also asking if they would fall in love with you again after everything you’ve been through as a couple.

In the lyrics by Eric Chou, the person singing expresses how they feel to their lover. Eric Chou wants to know if it’s okay for them to still miss their lover and also ask if that lover would still be able to fall in love with them. He sings it with so much passion and feeling that everyone could probably relate sometime or another wanting this question answered themselves before.

Would You Fall in Love with Me Again? Lyrics Eric Chou

Song TitleWould You Fall in Love with Me Again?
ArtistMorissette Amon (Filipino Singer)
GenrePop, Ballad
Release DateVarious versions over the years, popularized in 2010s
Song ThemeLove, longing, vulnerability, rekindling love
Lyrics FocusAsking a partner if they would fall in love again despite time apart
Vocal DeliveryPowerful, emotional, soulful (by Morissette Amon)
ToneEmotional, heartfelt, nostalgic
Notable VersionsPerformed by various artists, but Morissette Amon’s version is the most popular
Music InstrumentationSoft piano, orchestral arrangement for added emotional depth
PopularityWidely appreciated for its emotional depth and relatability
Connection to FansResonates with listeners who have experienced love, loss, and hope for second chances in relationships
Would You Fall in Love with Me Again? Eric Chou

Would You Fall in Love with Me Again? Lyrics Eric Chou

Is it you? Have my prayers been answered?
Is it really you standing there?
Or am I dreaming once more?
You look different
Your eyes look tired
Your frame is lighter
You smile torn
Is it really you, my love?

I am not the man you fell in love with
I am not the man you once adored

I am not your kind and gentle husband
And I am not the love you knew before

Would you fall in love with me again?
If you knew all I’ve done?
The things I cannot change
Would you love me all the same?
I know that you’ve been waiting
Waiting for love

What kinds of things did you do?

Left a trail of red on every island
As I traded friends like objects I could use
Hurt more lives than I can count on my hands
But all of that was to bring me back to you
So tell me

Would you fall in love with me again?
If you knew all I’ve done?
The things I can’t undo
I’m not the man you knew
I know that you’ve been waiting, waiting

If that’s true, could you do me a favor?
Just a moment of labor that could bring me some peace?
See that wedding bed?
Could you carry it over?
Lift it high on your shoulders
And take it far away from here?

How could you say this?
I had built that wedding bed with my blood and sweat
Carve it into the olive tree where we first met
The symbol of our love everlasting
Do you realize what you have asked me?
The only way to move it is to cut it from its roots

Only my husband knew that
So I guess that makes him you!


I will fall in love with you
Over and over again
I don’t care how, where, or when
No matter how long it’s been
You’re mine
Don’t tell me you’re not the same person
You’re always my husband
And I’ve been waiting, waiting

Waiting, waiting (Penelope)
Waiting, waiting
Waiting, waiting, oh

For you

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