Tragos Amargos Letra Lyrics

Tragos Amargos is a song that was written by Julio Jaramillo, an Ecuadorian musical artist credited with a large body of work that totals over four hundred songs published throughout South America. “Tragos Amargos,” which translates to the equivalent of “bitter drinks” in English, was traditionally performed in Mexico Mariachi style or by solo guitar with occasional accordion added for melodic emphasis.

The Spanish lyrics of this classic Mexican song revolve around heartbreak and the bitter taste that life deals us through heartbreak, as reflected by their theme: “No son más amargos los tragos que da la vida!” Meaning: “The bitter drinks that life gives us are no more bitter than our lives!”.

Tragos Amargos Letra Lyrics

Song TitleTragos Amargos
ArtistJulio Jaramillo
ComposerJulio Jaramillo (Lyrics)
Release Year1950s
GenreBolero, Latin American, Pasillo
ThemeHeartbreak, sorrow, longing, regret
Key Lyrics“Tragos amargos, los que me hicieron llorar.” (Bitter drinks, the ones that made me cry.)
Musical StyleMelancholic melody, soulful vocals
Song’s SignificanceA classic Latin American bolero about love lost and emotional pain
Vocal PerformanceJulio Jaramillo’s deep, soulful voice expresses intense emotion
Cultural ImpactOne of the most iconic songs of Ecuadorian and Latin American music, reflecting the pain of broken relationships
Tragos Amargos Letra Lyrics

Tragos Amargos Letra Lyrics

Clavado en este rincón
Como tú clavaste a mi corazón
Estos tragos que tomo yo
Son pura tristeza y son mi dolor

Te fuiste, no sé porqué
Yo sé que me querías y sé que me adorabas
Por si acaso quieres regresar
Te voy a esperar, te voy a esperar

Tragos de amargo licor
Que no me hacen olvidar
Y me siento como un cobarde
Que hasta me pongo a llorar

Te fuiste, no sé porqué
Yo sé que me querías y sé que me adorabas
Por si acaso quieres regresar
Te voy a esperar, te voy a esperar

Tragos de amargo licor
Que no me hacen olvidar
Y me siento como un cobarde
Que hasta me pongo a llorar

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