Ka Pioioi Lyrics​

Ka Pioioi a Māori waiata (song) that is normally sung in schools, cultural events and kapa haka. An old-style Māori action song, it embodies positive and uplifting messages set to music intended to get you moving, working together as one, and embracing cultural identity. Its fun and upbeat rhythm combined with the hand actions makes it a favorite with children of all ages in New Zealand schools. Although no one really knows where it comes from, it is a treasured tune shared throughout Māoridom telling stories of happiness, involvement and community.

Ka Pioioi Lyrics​

Song TitleKa Pioioi
MeaningA lively and uplifting Māori action song
ComposerTraditional Māori Waiata
ThemeMovement, Energy, Cultural Expression
Common UsageSchools, Kapa Haka, Community Gatherings
Musical StyleMāori Action Song, Waiata
SignificanceEncourages participation, learning, and unity
Lyrics FocusRhythmic and engaging repetition
Cultural ImpactWidely performed in New Zealand for cultural and educational purposes
Ka Pioioi Lyrics​

Ka Pioioi Lyrics​

Ka pioioi e
Tohu aroha haukāinga
E hoki mai rā
Kia kite atu i tō iwi e.
E rotarota ana
E katakata ana mai rā.
Pūkana whetero mai
I te ihi ā ō mātua.
Kia kite atu ano
I tō ataahua ai kanapa
Pupuhi ai e te hau
Kapohia āku roimata.
Ka pioioi he
tohu aroha haukāinga.

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