Hutia Te Rito Lyrics

Hutia Te Rito is both a Māori whakataukī (proverb) and waiata (song) that illustrates the significance of care, community resilience and ancestry. Harakeke (flax), the metaphor this waiata employs for family and leadership, highlights a central message: if we were to remove the rito (center shoot) of a flax bush, the entire plant would suffer. Hutia Te Rito is sung frequently at marae and schools, as well as in leadership wananga and cultural hui, reminding people that care, direction and unity form the foundation on which strong communities are made.

Hutia Te Rito Lyrics

Song TitleHutia Te Rito
MeaningThe importance of nurturing and leadership
ComposerTraditional Māori Whakataukī & Waiata
ThemeGrowth, Community, Whānau (Family)
Common UsageSchools, Marae Gatherings, Leadership Events
Musical StyleTraditional Māori Song
SignificanceUsed to emphasize unity, cultural strength, and leadership
Lyrics FocusMetaphor of the flax plant (harakeke) representing family and connection
Cultural ImpactWidely performed and taught across New Zealand
Hutia Te Rito Lyrics

Hutia Te Rito Lyrics

Hutia te rito
Hutia te rito o te harakeke
Kei whea te ko(ri)mako e ko
Ki mai ki ahau
He aha te mea nui
He aha te mea nui o te ao
Maku e kii atu
He tangata, he tangata,
He tangata, hei!

If you remove the heart
Of the flax bush
From where will the Bellbird sing?
If you say to me
What is the most important thing
In this world
I will reply to you
It is people, it is people,
It is people!

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